Magic happens more often than not… Let’s see we can help you too

Anne C. Fuchlow

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"My name is Anne C. Fuchlow and I have worked with Andy Hsieh for over one year.  I had worked with several trainers before being assigned to Andy;  I persisted, but I felt that my interest was lacking and that I was really not learning enough.

"When I began working with Andy, It became clear to me that I was in the hands of an intelligent and motivated trainer who had the insight to go beyond the skin of a client to the heart of the client to achieve success.  Under Andy's guidance, I became more optimistic about my capabilities and my goals.  And he bestowed in me the confidence  to continue to improve.  Which I have.  He also created a breathing design to aid me when my asthma was flaring.  Andy had the instincts to see what I was capable of doing, and he continued to introduce new challenges to peak my interest.

"While I will continue to work out and keep up my routines for a healthy life, I will follow my instructions with a new trainer,  but I will always feel blessed that Andy opened up my eyes to possibilities I never thought I could achieve.  Even though he is not in the club with me any more, I shall always keep in mind his encouragement, and of course, his sense of humor."

Milana I.

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My name is Milana and I started working with Andy towards the end of December ‘14/beginning of January ’15. We worked together for about 8 months and, in that 8 months, I watched my life change.

I finally decided to get a personal trainer because the last time I did the gym by myself (approximately a year prior), I injured my shoulder pretty badly. I came to Andy with various ailments, including my shoulder, as well as struggling with being overweight and with severe confidence and body image issues. Everything always hurt, I hated life, I hated myself for being part of the yo-yo crew, and always dropping and gaining the weight back.

As we tried new exercises we learned that my body was not very mobile and we’d start from square one and build first. I was constantly asking questions such as “what does this exercise do,” “why does this hurt,” “why this way instead of this way,” and so on and so forth. He was always able to answer every single one of my questions. Andy literally helped me change my life. Not only was I able to drop all the weight I wanted and be free of shoulder, hip, and knee pain, but I gained so much knowledge about exercise, mobility, nutrition, and health and fitness as a lifestyle overall.

ndy’s passion for his work and his desire to grow and gain knowledge within his field sparked my own passion for fitness. Nowadays, I’ve kept the weight off and maintained a healthy lifestyle. But more than that, I decided to pursue my own passion for this field and am currently a kickboxing trainer! Although I no longer train with Andy, I reach out to him every so often to remind him that I would most definitely not be where I am today if it wasn’t for him!

Jordan S.


My name is Jordan Seaberg. I trained with Andy for a little over a year. Before training with Andy, I had been fairly happy with my performance and speed in competitive sports and running. I also had some basic lifting routines I had picked up from various places high school sports and with the few sessions I had had with past trainers. But between pushing myself so hard, imperfect form and also likely sitting at work, I had developed back issues due to poor back and core stability. My chiropractor helped, but something was missing. My core and back muscles weren't strong enough to hold when I really wanted to push myself. I was frustrated and out of ideas on how to fix it on my own.

That's where Andy came in. With Andy's in-depth knowledge in injury recovery and corrective exercises, we worked out which exercises helped me best. We experimented. He didn't just prescribe a few exercises and expect them to work. He patiently worked with me at dozens of sessions in the beginning to find what truly helped. Andy also helped correct my form and movement, as well as introduced me to all sorts of new exercises, including olympic lifting, which greatly improved my strength and flexibility. He taught me the fundamentals of a good workout routine to help me better plan and get the most out of my workouts.

After having worked with Andy, my back and core stability has drastically improved. I now know several workouts to help. On top of that, even though I no longer train with Andy (he moved), I also have a more solid understanding of lifting fundamentals and I feel more comfortable changing my workout routine based on how feel, rather than checking off preplanned exercises on a list.

Minal M.


I started working with Andy after I had my second baby, and he was my personal trainer for a year.

Andy was exactly what I needed: not only did I lose weight and manage to keep it off, but I am stronger than I have ever been before. Andy also has a great balance of empathy and perseverance: while he listens your constraints and concerns, he usually finds a way to get you to do what is needed to meet your goals.

e's also fun to hang out with: he is curious and optimistic, which makes painful training sessions much more manageable :)

Brittany W.


I trained with Andy for about eight weeks in Equinox San Mateo CA.

Before training with Andy, I delivered a baby. When my baby got three-month old, I decided to begin training. My struggles during that time is am I able to begin work-out? I was so weak and suffer insomnia. I feel powerless when talking, walking, driving, and had passive attitude toward things. I know I couldn’t be like that and I definitely need a change.

I want to get stronger and feel powerful again, and I need positive spiritual strength. I need to pull myself together as soon as possible to get back to work and life.

hen I met Andy. He tailored training plans for me to help me get back to shape and he motivates me all the time. I couldn't even do a ten-second plank at first, had been shaking all the time. Then after two-week, four-week, six-week and eight-week training sessions with Andy, I gained my power back gradually and got my shape back. I feel stronger and stronger physically and mentally. Feel like find myself again. Since then I have been keep up experiencing different forms of work-out and training, for example ballet and boxing. I will keep moving, because movement made my life better.

Thank for Andy, I find a better me, a better family and a better life.